Top 3 Home Winterization Tasks
December 5, 2018
Jay Walton Automotive Fixes Bad Days
March 1, 2019Speaking of distractions…Your eMail is the perfect place to get you while your guard is down. A surefire way to infect your computer is to click on the wrong link. What better way to get you to click than to pretend you are FedEX and tell somebody that their address is incorrect or their package is delayed. There have been a number of Phishing campaigns using the brand names you use everyday as a means of getting specific information from you or to infect your computer or device for other purposes. Our number one rule is DON’T CLICK on anything. Unless you know who and what you are expecting to receive like “a PDF from Sue in dispatch”, assume that someone may be trying to fake you out. There have been a number of these emails that include a document that will hopefully be caught by your virus software and quarantined.
It is better to slow down and use email cautiously that to compromise yourself or your employer’s computer systems.
For the rest of this article visit Strong Tower Security Consultants online at https://strongtowersecuritynm.com/